Interpersonal Distance and Walking Speed

1. Paper must have the following structure
a. Cover Page
b. Abstract (No more than 120 words)
i. Should be a summary of the results and discussion sections of your paper.
c. Introduction
i. Should be about research and experiments conducted regarding interpersonal
distance and walking time.
1. Should explain what each experiment tested for and their results.
ii. This introduction should be lengthy and include 12 sources.
iii. Final paragraph should lead into the current research (our class experiment)
1. Our hypothesis is that interpersonal distance and walking time will be
influenced by gender and group size.
d. Method Section
i. Discusses participants
1. Number of participants
2. Number of participants by gender
3. Number of groups, categorized by size
a. Include mean group size
4. Participants were naturally observed walking in hallways at an urban
ii. Materials
1. A data sheet to record group id, group size, gender, and walking speed
2. A ruler to measure 10 feet on the hallway floor
3. Chalk to mark the beginning and end of the 10 feet on the hallway floor.
iii. Procedures
1. A more in-depth explanation of the processes mentioned in the
previous two sub-sections
iv. Results
1. A statistical analysis of the SPSS output that points out any significant
relationships between any of the variables.
v. Discussion
1. Basic discussion of the results of the experiment.
2. Measures we could have taken to make our results more accurate
3. Analysis of how our results relate to the results found in research
discussed in the introduction.
4. Suggestions for future experiments on the subject.
vi. References