The Act of Killing

The Act of Killing is ideally a reality journey deep down into the imaginations and memories of the peace perpetuators. The Act of Killing documentary offers great insight to the perpetuators of the actual harm and pain that they caused and portrays the real picture of their mass killing actions deep into their minds. The film is an actual eye opener to the mass killers who after watching it begin to understand the density of their human abusive actions. The documentary is a nightmarish vision of the oppressive and frightening banal culture full of impunity in which serial killers can just joke around with crimes of genocide and suicidal killings against human rights and humanity, celebrate moral disaster practices with utter ease and walk Scott free just like they have done humanity a favor form starvation and menacing calamities (Kermode, 2013).

The Act of Killing is well organized showing a rhetorical view of the current world where oppressors are free to kill and do every type of injustice to the poor and the less privileged and still walk away without being questioned of any assault despite the law being candidly in place against such actions. The documentary is organized to show how powerful government leaders misuse power to engage in impunity to silence the rule of law which they comically play above. Government leaders and ministers who should be enforcing the law and advocating for the rule of law and standing against oppressing the poor and the less privileged are the ones violating the law with  less concern  and are very excited and  happy to boast about impunity ranging from acts of genocide, corruption and election rigging (Kermode, 2013).

The Act of Killing openly exposes the way impunity has been tolerated and the way the people who should be standing against it are for it for their selfish ambitions. The documentary exposes the way a regime that was ideally established on a criminal basis against human rights and humanity has never achieved accountability and uses crude suicidal means to make and keep history. Though the integral idea of being in the film was not to provide testimony, the film which is challenge to Anwar and his friends, in true fiction, the film is an ample space to challenge and show them the meaning of their actual actions and one to allow it sink into their filthy immoral minds the intensity and true picture of their impunity. Pictorially, the film makes them realize the pain they caused civilians in Indonesia and that the killings were not any right (Kermode, 2013).

The film however ethically potrys Indonesia as a no go country, one that iss full of impunity and stands for the abuse of human rights instead of protecting and standing against the violation  of hu man rights. From the film, it is very worrying to imagine yourself in such a country where those that are in power, the people who should be advocating the rule of law, are the ones who carelessly violate it and break it  not to be questioned by anyone even when they do it in the open. The Act of Killing shows how the people in power will do anything to retain their prowess and power regardless of the consequences, including massacres and mass killings. For instance, chines had to bribe for their lives in Indonesia. If any Chinese wanted to be spared they had to pay some money of which some were killed even after paying the money (Kermode, 2013).