Student will research and select a US Supreme Court case. The topic I picked is the Brown v. Board of Education.


  1. Student will research and select a US Supreme Court case. The topic I picked is the Brown v. Board of Education.


  1. Student will complete a paper, 5-6 pages in length, explaining the case, what the issue was, what the arguments were on both sides and what the Supreme Court ruled and why. The paper will end with what YOUR position on the case would have been and how, if you were on the Supreme Court, you would have ruled and why. Your position must be supported, not just “I agree with what the High Court ruled”. Please put some thought into your position and support it with facts, if applicable.


  • The assignment shall be completed in proper APA format and should include a title page, abstract and bibliography. The student should also include at least five (5) reference materials and the use of proper citations are recommended. Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable reference.


  1. The final paper will be due no later than July 30, 2018. You will also have to present your paper to the class during the last two days of the semester.