Identify the key constituents that contribute to effective partnership working


Assignment Brief


Answer both questions


1.         “Too often a partnership is just a bunch of people from different organisations who just happen to be present in the same room, giving the impression of dancing together while actually standing still”.  (


For an individual who has long-term health problems and is unemployed:

a)      Identify the key constituents that contribute to effective partnership working (LO2.2)

b)      Explain the roles and responsibilities of two health or social care professionals working with this individual (LO2.1)

c)       Identify one key piece of legislation and discuss its impact on service provision in this instance (LO3.2)



2.       There are 850,000 people with dementia in the UK.

There are 40,000 younger people with dementia in the UK.

There are 25,000 people with dementia from black and minority ethnic groups in the UK. (


a)      Identify one example of local health and/or social care provision for people with dementia (LO1.1)

b)      Give a brief overview of the service

c)       In a table, compare and contrast two means of measuring the provision (LO1.2, LO1.3)

d)      Discuss inequalities in service provision in this practice area (LO3)

e)      Debate the concept of informed consent when working with people with dementia (LO4)


Your essay should show evidence of a wide range of research and demonstrate correct citation and referencing techniques