Using the term that you have selected from the list provided in the classroom, please complete the following template. Create a minimum of 5 to 7 well-crafted sentences per paragraph.

Week 2 Assignment Template


Sustainable Living Guide Contributions, Part Two of Four: 

Sustaining Our Agricultural Resources


  1. Instructions: Using the term that you have selected from the list provided in the classroom, please complete the following template. Create a minimum of 5 to 7 well-crafted sentences per paragraph.  In your response, you are expected to cite and reference, in APA format, at least two outside sources in addition to the class text.  The sources must be credible (from experts in the field of study); scholarly sources (published in peer-reviewed academic journals) are strongly encouraged.


Your Term:


Instructions: In the first paragraph;

  • Thoroughly define your term.
  • Describe how the term relates to this week’s theme. Provide specific examples.

 [Enter your information here]

Instructions: In the second paragraph;

  • Discuss how the term affects living things and the physical world.
  • Explain how the term relates to the challenge of achieving environmental sustainability.
  • Justify if the term represents an obstacle to that goal, or perhaps a technique or technology that might promote it?

Again, be as specific as possible and include examples to support your explanations.

[Enter your information here]


Instructions: In the third paragraph;

  • Determine at least two specific actions that we can take in order to promote environmental sustainability in relation to this term.
  • Be creative and concrete with your suggestions. For example, you might recommend supporting a particular organization that is active in the field of your term.
  • Consider actions that might be taken

1) on the individual level, in our daily lives;

2) at the community level;

3) via national and global organizations working on behalf of the environmental issues associated with your term; and/or 4) at the ballot box (though voting).


[Enter your information here]


After proofreading, please submit a copy of your work to Waypoint.