In the personal endeavor students explore an area of the program focus. So we have looked at the various aspects of religions, so you get to choose one aspect from one religion to focus on

In the personal endeavor students explore an area of the program focus. So we have looked at the various aspects of religions, so you get to choose one aspect from one religion to focus on. You should choose a specific thing in the aspect and not the aspect in general. For example you may look at Christian pilgrimage within religious experience, but choose one in particular eg the Camino. It is recommended that you narrow the focus within your chosen aspect. You may choose a particular prayer or ritual or festival within a religion and really investigate it in depth and get a good sense of its origin, development, meaning, and relevance today.

You also need to choose one capability to develop within this task. You need to explicitly discuss your understanding about how you have developed this capability in doing this task.


This personal endeavor is to be presented in two parts:

A:         investigation – this has to have an outcome or conclusion (max 750 words)

B:         explanation of the connections between the focus of your personal endeavor and the capability you chose. (about 250 words)


Max word limit: 1000 words (absolute)


The following specific features of the assessment design criteria for this subject are assessed in Assessment Type 3: Personal Endeavour:

application and understanding — AU1, AU3

inquiry, analysis, and evaluation — IAE1, IAE2

collaboration and communication — CC2.




The aspects and capabilities were listed on both previous tasks (the practical inquiry and the connections task)