You to identify a product from a brand that is sold in two countries.  You MUST use the same product, brand and countries for AS2:

Assessment Task


Assignment 1 required you to identify a product from a brand that is sold in two countries.

You MUST use the same product, brand and countries for AS2:


AS2 Task:


Revisit your original submission and based on the feedback given, improve your assignment so that it can enable you to complete the following.


Produce a 2,500 word essay which has a clear underpinning of academic theory and addresses the following in point in depth.


  1. Identify the main differences between the two countries, using information from the context analyses, feedback from Assignment 1 and Hofstede cultural dimensions (20%)


  1. Produce appropriate marketing communication objectives and strategies for the two countries, with an explanation of the differences with reference to the academic literature (20%)


  1. Choose one country and present the marketing communications tactics for that one country in line with the objectives and strategy for that country, again with reference to the academic literature (50%)


  1. The essay needs to be well structured, logical sequencing of ideas which are supported by intext citations. The use of diagrams, tables and images is recommended as these will help illuminate points of discussion. (10%)


Additional Guidance

You are required to produce a report using Harvard referencing, that demonstrates your understanding of key aspects of international marketing communications theory and specifically Fills planning model. Any tables diagrams and visuals should be in included in the main body of report.  Please indicate your final word count for the report at the end of the assignment


The essay should have:

  • a sound theoretical and conceptual perspective, containing evidence of the use of Fills planning framework and reference to appropriate academic literature and industry data.
  • an effective practical foundation.



Word Limits

The word limit for this assignment is 2,500 words


Where the submission exceeds the stipulated word limit by more than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to and including the additional 10%. Anything over this will not be included in the final grade for the assessment item. Abstracts, bibliographies, reference lists, appendices and footnotes are excluded from any word limit requirements.


Where a submission is notably under the word limit, the full submission will be marked on the extent to which the requirements of the assessment brief have been met.

Assessment Grading Criteria


AS2 Grading Criteria:

Grading / feedback guidance


MKTM026 International Marketing Communications marking sheet


Grade A+    A      A- B+    B      B- C+     C      C- F+     F      F-
Main issues from Context Analysis



Concise and very informative discussion of the context. A good discussion of the context, informative but not showing the understanding of ‘A’ Fairly informative discussion of the context. Very basic discussion of the brand.
Marketing Communication Objectives and strategy


Concise and thoughtful discussion, supported by excellent use of theoretical concepts. A good discussion, with a good understanding and use of key theoretical concepts. Reasonable discussion, supported by fairly good use of theoretical concepts. Weak discussion of perceptions, but with no use of supporting theory.
Marketing Communications tactics



A comprehensive range of marketing communications tactics are identified.

Critical analysis of the identified activities identified.

Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support the analysis.

A good number of appropriate and valid marketing communications tactics are identified.

Evidence of analysis of the identified activities identified.

A good use of key theories / concepts to support analysis.

Limited number of marketing communications tactics are identified.

Some analysis of the identified activities identified.

Attempt to use theoretical concepts to support the analysis.

Extremely limited number of marketing communications tactics are identified.

Very descriptive discussion of the activities identified.

No use of theoretical concepts to support the analysis.




Excellent report structure, grammar and spelling and referencing where used Good report structure, grammar and spelling and referencing where used Weak report structure, grammar and spelling and referencing where used Very weak report structure, grammar and spelling and referencing where used