transfer of learning, human resource management

Dear writer, I want to write the dissection part around 1700 words and the conclusion, recommendations and limitation of my dissertation around 1000 words.

1. I need the discussion part to follow the same structure of the literature review

2. show the main findings of every aspect or hypothesis then compare or contract with the other results/ studies from my literature review.

3. the attached file named (my dissertation work) you will find my literature review. by the way, the writer ID number () who did this literature review. and also, you will find the analysis chapter.

4. the attached file named (dissertation sample) it is not my work but it is similar to my topic and my finding that could help you, but please do not copy it.

 5. follow the steps below for the discussion part:

Chapter 5: Discussion of Findings (around 1700-1800 words)


around 250 -300 words please related to our literature review and our Saudi case study if possible.

5.1 The Impact of Establishing Learning Goals on Training Transfer

to test H1 around 250 -300 words please related to our literature review and Saudi case study if possible

Hypothesis 1: The establishment of learning goals (supervisor support) has a positive influence on the transfer of learning at Kawader organization.

5.2 The Effect of Support from Peer on Training Transfer

to test H2around 250 -300 words please related to our literature review and Saudi case study

Hypothesis 2: At Kawader Company, support from co-workers has a positive influence on the transfer of learning.

5.3 The Impact of Supervisor Support on Training Transfer

to test H3 around 250 -300 words please related to our literature review and Saudi case study

 Hypothesis 3: At Kawader Company, support from supervisors has a positive influence on the transfer of learning.

5.3 The Influence of Knowledge Sharing Among Peers on Training Transfer

to test H4 around 250 -300 words please related to our literature review and Saudi case study

Hypothesis 4: Sharing of knowledge (co-worker support) has a positive influence on the transfer of learning at Kawader Company.

5.5 Theoretical and Practical Implications of Findings (paraphrase this topic) and then write around 250-300 words make it as summary.

Chapter 6: Conclusion

Conclusion and recommendations: 800-900 words


limitations: 250 -300 words