An academic poster

For the assessment of this module you will need to design and produce an academic poster (100% of total mark).


Writing a Poster


For the assessment of this unit, you will need to design and produce an academic poster (100% of total mark). The deadline for submitting your poster can be found on Moodle. Your poster should be submitted as a pdf file, online . The topic of your poster will be your chosen topic for your dissertation.

Assessment Information

The assessment for this unit is comprised of:

  • A poster on the topic of your dissertation (1,000 words limit +/- 10%)

In addition you must attach to your poster, in an appendix, the following TWO specified elements:

  • A literature search strategy document (Pass/Fail element)
  • A full set of references for sources cited in the poster (Pass/Fail element)

Full instructions and guidance on generating an academic poster are provided below.