Critically examine the social and political determinants of substance use in society.

Short Answer Assignment – 3000 words


  1. Critically examine the social and political determinants of substance use in society.
  2. Apply motivational interviewing skills to promote goal setting.
  3. Demonstrate the principles of the trans-theoretical model to assessing clients.
  4. Consolidate knowledge and skills of counselling in helping clients to make change.
  5. Analyse common assessment and therapeutic tools used in the assessment of the dual diagnosed.
  6. Identify the role of the mental health nurse as a therapist with people who have a dual diagnosis.


This Assessment Project involves completing a short answer assignment on the consumer from the case study (see 2nd attachment for case study). The information necessary for completing this project is provided below.

Students are required to read the case study that describes a mental health consumer who [through a relapse of their chronic psychotic illness] has contact with his local Acute/Crisis Community Team, Emergency Department Assessment team and finally is accepted for case management by their Community Rehabilitation Team.

Students are required to consider each episode of care [Acute/Crisis Community, Emergency Department and Community Rehabilitation] and respond to the 6 key questions listed overleaf for each of the episodes of care. Search the literature and look at your states MH Services web page for key Government documents (grey literature).




criteria Possible Mark Actual Mark
Introduction 5  
Background 10  
Review of the literature 20  
Application to practice 10  
Conclusion: 5  
Total Marks

Overall percentage of assignment (50%)

Minus marks deducted for:

Late submission – 10% per day (No extensions beyond one week) or >10% over the word count

Minus marks deducted for:


Grammar and spelling

Referencing style in text and end text (Refer to APA 6thedition)

Up to 5 marks  
Total Final Mark 50%