Writing a Progress Report

Progress Report

Answers to each question should be about 300-500 words (the total number of words then should
be around 2,000 words).
A. Learning
1. Describe what you have done since the completion of the second Progress Report. Include any
problems that you faced and how you overcame them
– Prepared and completing the summary of interview findings;
– Reviewing, integrating and rewriting literature review and theoretical framework,
which is a major challenge and difficult task I faced – require lining up all team
members’ views for further input and contribution as well as finalizing the conclusion
2. Identify and discuss two lessons learned from the research process during this final stage. Did you
face any challenges? If so, how did you resolve these?
– Individual contribution is essential, but group cohesiveness is even paramount
important to the success, particularly for group project;
– Both individual responsibility and commitment are very important – some members
show a bit drop in momentum and intention to give up;
– Strong leadership is a key factor to boost up and keep the team with momentum going
on in the right track
3. Identify and discuss two substantive findings from the data analysis.
For reference:
– Regardless of the background, none of the interviewees have shown legit concern about
the danger of the boundary area. However, it is also found that law enforcement
officers are quite concern about the effectiveness of anti-crime operations in the
boundary area as they have raised lots of reasons that law enforcement in the area can
be difficult given the two regimes.
– Many previous researches have indicated corruption, and political cost have driven
the deployment of Private Security Companies (PSC) in their countries. However,
similar situation cannot be found in Hong Kong given the city’s great effort in fighting
corruption and robust governance, especially in the boundary area. Consistent to our
earlier progress that the focus of the use of PSC in Hong Kong heavily depends on the
cost required for the deployment and the service quality. Although governance factor
does have its role in the decision, it is nonetheless because of a simpler administration
instead of evading the political responsibility of law enforcement. This once again
explained the current PSC regime of being under monitored by the Hong Kong Police
Force and other government authorities.
– Consensus have been made between different sectors. All these sectors have opposed
to the idea of deploying the PSC to replace the functions currently provided by the
traditional law enforcement agencies regardless of the potential benefits and saved
costs. Although this mentality is less salient among the public, all of them have shown
concerns about the public mandate bear by the PSC and the responsibility in
maintaining the boundary security.
4. Describe in ONE paragraph – one to two of your major findings AND how you theoretically explain
or make sense of the finding(s)?
B. Peer evaluation
List all group members by name, including self.
1. (Self)
1. Evaluate each group member’s participation, including your own. (The number of each
member should correspond with the above list). Select the appropriate response and enter the
grade, below.
Group Member A B C D F
Contribution at meetings (do they attend,
participate & share ideas)
Committed to common goals (do they
keep on task & show concern for doing
things right)
Skill input (do they show an
understanding of ideas and apply them)
Reliable completion of tasks (do they
show responsibility to the group and the
tasks they have to do)
Overall contribution to the group’s goals
C. Provide a description of your rationale for each member’s overall mark. Include comment
on each of the above categories (contribution; commitment; skill; reliability; overall contribution)
1. (self)