Select 5 different muscles/groups that need to be strengthened and select appropriate strength exercises for each

Refer to the guidelines for completing assignments found in your course outline and student
manual. Please provide in APA format a list of references which you used to complete this
assignment. You are required to seek out various and respectable sources of information to use
in the completion of your assignment to ensure your work demonstrates current, reliable and
widely accepted information in this field of study.
Client Scenario: Sarah is a new client of yours. She has recently returned back to her full-time
job after giving birth to her second child. She works as a legal secretary and finds herself
working behind a computer for approximately 6-8 hours per day. She is noticing chronic lower
back pain and discomfort and you have observed during a static posture analysis that she has
significant lordosis through the region. Sarah is very busy with a full time job and raising a 6
month old and a 2 year old and she finds it difficult to find to fit in much time for herself and for
going to a facility to train. She wants a program which will help to relieve her back pain and
increase her flexibility, especially through her hips and shoulders, which are the joints where
she has noticed the signs of reduced mobility the most. Sarah does not currently stretch at all
and has very little kinaesthetic sense in regard to movement and exercise mechanics. Develop
a 6-week, functional training program for Sarah, complete with strength/postural/flexibility
exercises to assist in achieving her goals. Consider:
• Select 5 different muscles/groups that need to be strengthened and select appropriate
strength exercises for each. For the strength component, consider those muscles that
stabilize the spine and pelvis as well as those that assist in enhancing posture/alignment.
(Explain how to execute, this should be comprehensive and easy for the client to follow and
understand). Please use a chart format for this portion.
• Select 5 specific muscles/groups that need to be stretched and select appropriate flexibility
exercises for each (Explain how to execute, this should be comprehensive and easy for the
client to follow and understand). Please use a chart format for this portion.
• As you progress from week to week continue to target these same muscle groups while
focusing on more isolated exercises at the beginning (weeks 1-4) and then moving towards
more compound, active approaches near the end of the 6 week period, (both strength and
flexibility exercises should progress from lower intensities to greater intensities and more
• Concisely discuss the issues that you would address with Sarah prior to her beginning an
exercise program. These issues should include topics such as safety, flexibility, momentum
etc and be based on information from class notes and discussion. Please utilize an essay
format for this portion and reference properly.
Correct selection of muscles to be strengthened 5 marks
Correct selection of muscles to be stretched 5 marks
Selection of appropriate strength exercises 5 marks
Selection of appropriate stretching exercises 5 marks
Execution description for strength exercises 5 marks
Execution description for stretching exercises 5 marks
Appropriate and effective progression for weeks 1-6 5 marks
Correct application of fundamental program variables 10 marks
APA referencing, format and clarity is worth 5 marks
Total 50 marks
• A chart describing the exercises is encouraged.
• You only have 10 exercises to impact and improve “functional capacity”
So make your choices carefully.
• Be as thorough as possible (when listing alignment cues and alternatives). Give as many
IMPORTANT details about execution of the exercise as possible.
• Pick exercises that train muscles that are typically weak………by strengthening them you
can improve one’s functioning ability in daily life (posture, back health, ROM etc).
• A MINIMUM of 5 respected references sources is required for this assignment