Your annotated bibliography will include articles and book chapters on different aspects of Interpreting Studies

Your annotated bibliography will include articles and book chapters on different aspects of Interpreting Studies

Word limit: 350-400 words per citation x 5 citations (i.e. a total of 1750- 2000 words of annotation.)

Each citation is worth 4 points (out of 20 in total for this assessment).

Contents of the annotation will include:

1. Provide the full bibliographic reference of the material you are reviewing

2. Explain in your own words the main argument of the article/book

3. State your opinion regarding the arguments presented

5. Explain the conclusions made by the author and your own

Marking Criteria

 Quality of the source chosen: 20%

 Quality of the review (grammatical correctness and writing style): 60%

 Referencing style: 20% (APA)