The Inheritance of Tools

a trace of the past will  surely be seen in the present and too in the principle, nothing is new it is  only that things in the present get done in a different way that they were done in the past; yet that way was the originality of the new way of doing things. As a matter of fact, inheritance and development of heritage is all that happens as grandchildren inherit through their fathers what their grandparents used to do. for instance, at some point our fore fathers used stones for hammers. This is to mean that the original ideology of the hammer all owes from the stones. This is to show that it is from these developments and ancient ideologies that we presently get what we have (Nazario, Borchers, & Lewis, 2009, 737).

The skills that we have of late are those that we acquired from our parents. Even though we might be sharper than them, we only develop from their originality. From this we identify a common trend of learning and development that we inherit from our father and grandfathers.  A good example is how Sanders inherited carpentry from his grandfather through his father. The way the hammer that was once used by his grandfather was passed to him by his father shows how we inherit much of our skills and heritages from our parents (Nazario, Borchers, & Lewis, 2009, 737).

Throughout this entire essay, Sanders creates an impression on how he completes the pass-on of skills from his father to his children. How he lets his children learn under his careful and caring eye sets the impression that parents are responsible for the growth of their dear children. For instance, the way he addresses his daughter’s wall with care and close eye shows how parents should take care on the way they pass anything to their children scheming every step before unleashing it (Nazario, Borchers, & Lewis, 2009, 737).