Research Essay

Weighting: 40%

Completion of a 2500-word major essay, demonstrating original thought and research, and understanding of the core themes and the learning outcomes of the unit. The research essay must be a different question from the op-ed.

The research essay must provide a clear answer to the question, an outline of the essay structure, and understanding the significance of the question for theory and policy. Students should also be able to deal with counter-arguments and the research findings should demonstrate investigation of theoretical sources and empirical evidence.

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand key concepts, issues and debates in the security studies discipline.
  • Understand key theories, approaches and methods used to analyse security studies issues.
  • Identify traditional and non-traditional security studies issues, and evaluate contemporary debate regarding these issues.
  • Identify key stakeholders, actors and structures in the field of security studies.
  • Model basic academic skills, in particular, constructing a clear, original and analytic argument, and independent research, reading and writing skills.