Compare the way Karim perceives Eleanor and Eva, how do they differ?

Exam instructions: Answer all of the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Support your ideas and statements with examples and quotes (the quotes should be maximum of two sentences) from the book. Make sure you reference properly with page number.

1. Compare the way Karim perceives Eleanor and Eva, how do they differ? Do you agree with Karim that one can’t really climb the social ladder? Explain and motivate your answer.
2. What are your thoughts on Karim’s identity? How do you think he identifies himself? Give examples.
3. How does Karim differ from Gene? Motivate your answer and give examples.
4. What are your thoughts on Karim at the end of the novel? Do you think he has changed, if so how? Or if not, why don’t you think he has not changed? And what do you think he meant by, “…I’d been through as I’d struggled to locate myself and learn what the heart is. Perhaps in the future, I would live more deeply.” (p. 284) Make sure to explain your answer thoroughly and provide examples from the novel.