Explain the benefits and costs of globalisation from the perspective of a specific (named) business.

Part A:
Explain the benefits and costs of globalisation from the perspective of a specific (named) business.
To support your analysis, you should obtain data and information from the published reports and accounts of the business you have chosen.
There are many definitions of ‘globalisation’. You should use the definition of globalisation given in pages 16-18 of the core text for this report, which can also be found in the ‘Important Definitions’ page of Unit 1.

Part B:
The UK’s membership of the EU has attracted many non-EU businesses wishing to enter the EU market through FDI to benefit from ‘insiderisation’. The UK’s decision to leave the EU has made this attractiveness questionable.

With the aid of examples:

Critically analyse the main advantages/disadvantages of the UK as a potential location for non-EU businesses wishing to enter the EU market pre-Brexit, and;
Explain how this situation has changed in light of the UK’s decision to leave the EU.
You should consider the attractiveness of the UK as a bridgehead to the European markets in the context of several different non-European businesses such as, but not limited to, Toyota, Tata, and Pfizer.

Your response should be in the form of a written report of between 1,500 and 2,000 words.