Behaviour Modification Program

Assignment proposal – 

The first component of this assignment is to prepare a proposal which outlines the specific details of your behavioural modification program. There is no set word count for the proposal, but you should address each question in a clear and comprehensive manner. You can see an example of a behavioural modification program proposal on your PSY3060 Study Desk page.


  1. Briefly describe your Behaviour Modification Plan (BMP) in plain language (e.g., “teach my dog to sit”, “stop my daughter biting her nails”, “increase my friend’s exercising frequency”) 1 mark.
  2. Describe the learner. If a human being, identify by initials (e.g., A.L.) for privacy, and state relationship to you (e.g., son, partner, self).  If an animal, identify species/breed, age, and health status.  Include any additional information relevant to your BMP.  Include signed, completed Informed Consent (if a human) or completed Animal Ethics (if an animal). 2 marks.
  3. Describe the behaviour you will be influencing (clearly state whether you are strengthening, weakening, or establishing a new behaviour). Be very specific.  Estimate how often the behaviour occurs, or will occur if implementing a new behaviour (e.g., number of times per day).  What is the antecedent (i.e., cue, SD, or context) for the behaviour to occur? 2 marks.
  4. Why have you selected this behaviour? (i.e., what are the advantages and/or disadvantages of this behaviour – provide a rationale for your intervention) 1 mark.
  5. Describe (exactly) the relevant reinforcer(s) which currently maintain (or will maintain) the target behaviour. State why you believe the reinforcer(s) is/are (or will be) effective. These may be existing reinforcers (if you will be using extinction or negative reinforcement) or planned (if using positive reinforcement). 2 marks.
  6. Describe the contingency you will implement. State whether you will be using simple reinforcement (+/-), shaping, chaining, or extinction to establish, strengthen, or weaken the target behaviour.  How and why will you use this contingency?  (e.g., what schedule of reinforcement will you use, and why?) 2 marks.
  7. How will you measure the behaviour? Include relevant periods / times of day, recording method (be very specific), scale of measurement, full count or sample, observations / judgements, and expected type and range of the data you will collect.  If using a form or data sheet, provide a copy. 3 marks.
  8. State the design and duration of your behavioural modification program (e.g. ABAB; AB; ABA). State the duration of each separate component as well as total duration of project (and justify your choices).  Describe exactly what you will do/not do in terms of the contingency during baseline period(s), including any issues with use of cues or behaviour measures. 3 marks.
  9. What additional measurement factors do you need to consider (e.g., intensity, duration, speed, latency, interval recording, topography, errors etc.)? If you have no other measurement factors to consider, explain why this is the case.  Describe how you or any others will ensure data are recorded at the appropriate times. 1 mark.
  10. How will your data be presented (i.e., Table, Figure) and why have you chosen this method? What type of analysis will you be using on your data – so that you will be able to establish whether or not your behavioural modification was successful?  Are there any conceptual or methodological concerns you have already thought about which might affect your results, or your ability to carry out the plan successfully?  If using ratings in observing behaviour, what steps will you be taking to reduce the likelihood of bias? 3 marks.