You have been asked to write an evaluation plan using a program logic model

You have been asked to write an evaluation plan using a program logic model – a particular evaluation framework taught in PUBH3005. Your evaluation plan is to be developed and written as a group, informed by scheduled consultation with the Client (True) during the semester, and feedback from a formative assessment task. You will be required to meet as a group outside of class time, as well as in class when there is allocated group work time.
The Evaluation Plan consists of:
 Introduce the topic (approximately 300 words)
 Document Client consultation (approximately 800 words)
 Develop and justify program logic model (approximately 1000 words)
 Propose an evaluation budget and timeline (approximately 200 words)
 Explain outcomes and significance (approximately 500 words)
 Appendices (i.e. supporting documentation)
Part B: Individual reflections – maximum 1000 words, excluding reference list
You will be required to write a maximum 1000 words reflection that addresses the following:
1. Explain how the group functioned over the semester. Both overall and in response to major hurdles (e.g. consultation with the Client).
a. Describe your role within the group.
b. Explain how your role and communication style evolved over the semester.
2. Describe one thing you learnt about yourself in working with the group.
a. Given this lesson, describe one thing you will change about how you interact with, and involve yourself in, a group in future group-based work.
3. Offer your own critique of the adequacy of your Interview Guide (developed for the Client consultation in Week 11). For example, you may wish to reflect on the extent to which these questions captured a holistic understanding of the program.
4. Offer your own critique or identified limitation(s) of applying program logic (e.g. what assumptions were overlooked in the development of the logic model; or, what factors were not considered in the model?).