Business Research Methodologies

Select a research topic of your choice based on a business issue and design a research proposal for this topic. The topic should be agreed with your Lecturer at least 4 weeks before submission date. This proposal should not exceed 2500 words. (+/- 10%)


Based on the selected topic, you are required to:

· Develop a research question and an appropriate set of research objectives

· Justify the choice of research topic including the background and context of the research

· Develop a critical literature review of the research topic

· Design a research methodology based on the topic selected. This would require you to develop a research design and justify your choice as appropriate. Your research design should include the following:

Research Philosophy (e.g., positivism, interpretivism, realism and/or pragmatism)

Research Approach (inductive or deductive)

Research strategy

· Discuss and justify the data collection methods – type of data, sampling method and target group

· Discuss the data analysis procedure to be adopted

· Discuss the possible ethical issues that need to be considered in this research

· Discuss the methods by which you would ensure that the research was both valid and reliable

· Discuss any possible limitations to this research

· Provide a research plan (timescale)

· Support with relevant references (Harvard format)