Cultural Artifact

Who hates beautiful things? Even without a response, I guess right that everyone will want the best-looking and decorated things around them. Approximately five years ago now, my dad and I thought of making some redecorations. This served us a surprise reality check considering that it costs moreorless a fortune to get such work done by contractors in your homestead. Accepting the rude awakening, we discovered that we could cut the cost and instead of hiring contractors for the whole work, we sectioned what we needed to be done: what we could do by ourselves and what we had to involve the services of the contractors for which our budget could comfortably swallow. Surprise to my prior expectations, I really loved everything about what I learned to do: wallpapering which is so enjoyable and fun, rewarding and easy.  To begin with, I would to point out some important reasons to consider learning wallpapering, then I will wall-hang the wallpapering process for all to see, and then we will together extenuate the steps to arrive at the results.

Like I pointed out, Hanging wallpaper is such an easy, fun-filled rewarding experience that anyone can learn and do comfortably. It is important to learn how to hang wallpaper because:

  • Contractors do it at a very high price yet it’s something you can do by yourself,
  • It is very easy to learn, easier than you have ever thought before.

At this point, I am optimistic that you have my philosophy and motivation with you for this project, so we can now enter into the process discussion.

There are considerably five steps involved to achieve some pleasant work.

  • The first step, you got to assemble the tools. First you need a bucket of paste, a paint roller, razor blades, a tape measure and a four-inch level. Then you will also require a 4-inch broad knife, a smoothing brush, a piece of sponge and a seam roller.
  • The second step involves measuring and cutting the paper. In this you first measure your wall then cut your paper accordingly to the length of the wall.
  • The third step is to paste your paper which involves pasting and rolling your paper and letting your paper expand.
  • The fourth step is to hang the expanded paper sheet on the wall which involves unfolding and positioning the top and bottom of the paper on the wall.
  • Then the fifth and last step includes finishing up by trimming the top and the bottom of the paper and rolling the paper edges well on the wall.

Does that not sound easy and fun than anticipated before? We are almost through but before we wind up lets now discuss the final touches.

Finish three panels and analyze them well. This involves smoothing the wall surface and removing any excess paste, analyzing the installed panels to ensure that they are uniform in color and create harmony around the room, and doing some additional selvage trimming of the geometric and other matching patterns.

In conclusion, you now share the basic knowledge of the reasons as to why hanging paper in worth some investigation as well as the process of wallpapering. It is quite an enjoyable and a rewarding experience; something I am so proud of achieving for I know anytime I need best looks in and around my house, I can make them comfortably without much ado. Just envision how much of your money you can save by having this experience and the creativity and beauty you can achieve. You will realize that you have an artist in you oh…….

Thank you.