
Some general guidelines for your essay:

Your essay must be at least five full paragraphs in length. It also must be at least 750 words long. Failure to meet the minimum paragraph mark and word count will result in a zero on the essay.

EVERYTHING must be Times New Roman, size 12. Failure to meet minimum requirements on your essay will result in a zero.

Your essay must include an introduction with thesis statement and a conclusion.

The essay should be saved as a .doc or .rtf document, attached to the assignment, and submitted.

All body paragraphs should have topic and concluding sentences.

The focus of your body paragraphs should be on clearly articulating your argument and providing the reader with details and evidence that back up your argument.

No first or second person.

You must use at least three scholarly sources. Make sure to follow all MLA requirements for in-text and Works Cited citations. Failure to properly cite material gathered from sources will result in a failing grade for plagiarism.

You may not utilize personal examples, interviews, or non-scholarly sources.
Do not use Wikipedia,, or anything similar.


Your heading on the first page should include your name, the date, the class and section, and the words “Final Draft.”

Your last name and a page number should be present in the top right hand corner on all subsequent pages.

If you type your essay, it should be in Times New Roman font size 12.

Your essay needs a title that indicates something about the content of the paper.

Make sure to edit thoroughly for grammar and sentence structure.