Human Resource Chapter 9

The best in a person can only be gotten out by only building a fire or drive within them but not by lighting a fire beneath them just like the art of excellence which  is much won by training  and habit. Training and development is one of the most successful strategies that organizations employ to ensure that their workforce, both skilled and unskilled, have the required for the present and the future too.  Organizations have adopted learning and development with recognizable processes in place for and how they can achieve the best. Training, learning and development become more useful for the organization as employees, units and their superiors gain new skills and knowledge towards maximum productivity (Berman et al, 2012).

However, with the increased responsibilities in their work places thus less time, employees are finding it hard to engage in training, learning and development. Generally, training and learning in organization is coined around principle for instance motivation, management support, relevance and transference, repetition and active participation, feedback and positive  reinforcement in practice among others. Training strategies and methodologies include on-the-job training, mentoring, in-house seminar and clinics, innovation and new-skills development labs and centers, attending professional conferences, stimulation and role playing, formal education among others. Organizations use different learning strategies which may include idea development, brainstorming and thinking by leaders, and through change management (Berman et al, 2012).

As organization ensure a powerful workforce through skilled training, it is too vital that the workforce attain good ethics and morals. It is therefore important for the organization to make sure that the workforce attains the required ethics, practices, important laws, and values for a modern desirable workplace. In a nutshell, the workplace has had significant changes with training and development taking broader perspectives that focus on making an all-round employee that include not  only building the employees’ skills, knowledge and abilities but also ways in which the organization and workforce may learn and develop (Berman et al, 2012).

Part two

Experience might be seen to be the best teacher to help in learning while working. However, as much as experience is the purported as the best teacher, alone it cannot produce the best of results. Take for instance a person being given a machine that they have not ever worked with and let to use experience to learn it and produce the expected results. This may work to the disadvantage of that worker or to the disadvantage of the organization too.  This is why job training mentoring and house seminars form some of the best tools of learning and career growth helping gain that experience.

The theory that one learns in class are just but the basics which may not be adequate for the practical hands on experience in the workplace. This is why mentorship which involves an older person, not necessarily by age but knowledge and experience, with vast experience in the job comes in to train the fresh-from-school employees on how and well to apply the gained theoretical knowledge. Schools just but teach the basics but the real thing comes in in the field when one is called to task to successfully apply those skills gained in school. It is from such skills in the workplace that one builds upon their experience to achieve competency and simulation. With more practice and conversancy with the workplace, the newbie is able to learn practically and develop in experience and become a mentor too.




Evan BermanJames BowmanJonathan West, & Montgomery Van Wart, (2012), Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems, SAGE Publications.