write an essay that offers an ‘object biography’ of an item that you consider interesting in the way it can be used to demonstrate your knowledge of one or more of the specific lecture topics, such as ‘design under imperialism’ or ‘beyond the object’.

task is to write an essay that offers an ‘object biography’ of an item that you consider interesting in the way it can be used to demonstrate your knowledge of one or more of the specific lecture topics, such as ‘design under imperialism’ or ‘beyond the object’. The essay should make a case for the item’s importance; situate it within broader geographical, historical, social and/or cultural contexts; and make connections to wider cultural tendencies and implications through its style, design or genre. Using at least two texts in the course reading list provided, as well as additional good-quality textual sources found through your own research, you should use and reference appropriate written scholarship on the item to help evidence its situations and relations
Tips on method.
Selection of the object:
You do not need to read ‘importance’ as only meaning something of high repute, cultural or monetary value. Neither does it have to be three dimensionalor ‘hard’. It could be virtual for example. It can be something that might be easily dismissed or passed by, but even so stands to illustrate its larger context.
Your assignment should address the following four aspects:
A close visual analysis, taking into account genre and design style.
An outline of its context, taking into account its history.
A critical discussion of the wider cultural tendencies and implications it might beperceived to present.
Use of both textual and visual/ material evidence, and integration of other researchers’ view points.
As an indication only, the total word count (1800) might break down as follows: • Introduction (200 words): briefly explain what you will do, how you will go about it,and why you have chosen the item.• Visual analysis (450 words).• Discussion of context (450 words).• Critical discussion of wider cultural tendencies and implications (450 words).• Conclusion (250 words): summarise the essay’s main findings and argument, andre-cap on how these were reached and why (ie. synthesising the threads of theanalysis together). Please note that footnotes, quotes and bibliography are NOT included in the word count.
Sources should be credible.
Please contact , if additional information needed.
Object could be for example Women’s sanitary towels
Sources could be:
Naomi Klein “No logo”
Tap Kirkham “Gender object”