Family Nursing Practice The Wilsons Family



The aim of this written assessment item is to provide you with the opportunity to practice applying the nursing process when providing family centered care. When an infant, young child or adolescent experiences a health or social issue, the issue can impact all family members. Nurses working in acute care and community settings need to understand the functioning of the family unit, so they can care for and assist the whole family.


This written assignment addresses course learning outcomes 2 and 3.



Task Description:

  • There are 2 parts to this task. You must complete both

·         Choose ONE scenario below. You must refer to the same scenario throughout this written assessment.

  • Use the headings below to organize the parts of your written assessment




Part 1 – Nursing Care of the Family: Assessment (400 words) For Part 1 you need to:

·         create a genogram to visually depict the family’s structure (template and exemplar provided)


Part 2 – Nursing Care of the Family: Planning, Implementing and Evaluating (1,300 words)

For Part 2 you need to:

  • Identify two (2) issues/challenges for the family or a member of the family you have selected. These issues may be identified by the nurse, family or both. These can be health, social, or developmental family issues/challenges e.g., breastfeeding, social isolation, transition to parenting; they should NOT be ‘medical’ issues e.g., diabetes, high blood
  • For each issue/challenge identified in the family assessment (allow approximately 750 words per issue):


a)              Describe the issue

  • Use appropriate evidence from scholarly literature to describe the issue and discuss what is known about the issue/challenge.


b)             Plan nursing care

  • Provide a relevant nursing goal and justify the goal (explain why it is relevant to the issue) using appropriate evidence or


c)               Implement nursing care

o    Outline one nursing intervention that supports the family to achieve the goal. Each nursing intervention should be supplemented by the recommendation of an existing online resource for the family and an appropriate referral.


  1. Evaluate nursing care
  • Describe how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention to address whether it met the planned goal of



Other Instructions:


1.    You do not need to provide an introduction or a conclusion for the written assignment or any of the parts.

  1. You must use the PowerPoint slide which will be supplied to you within the Assessment Folder on the Learning@Griffith course site to create your genogram. Save the slide as a picture file (*.jpeg), and insert the picture into your


Other elements:

  • Do not include a University cover page at the start of your assignment. You will agree to the assignment submission statements when you submit electronically.

, referencing according to APA 6the style and presentation.

  • Ensure that you use relevant scholarly literature1(digitized readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that has been published within the last seven (7) years. If you use literature older than 7 years, you will need to justify why you are not using recent literature. Please note it is preferable to locate and use Australian sources if you are describing the extent or magnitude of the
  • Use academic language2 throughout and write in the third

·         Refer to the marking criteria when writing your assignment. This will assist you in calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment.

  • State your word count (excluding your reference list) on your assignment title

·         Maintain academic integrity.

  • Submit your assignment as a word document (not a PDF).
  • Submit a draft assignment via Turnitin and check your Turnitin report (allow up to 24 hours for report generation). If you need more information about Turnitin, make use of the online resources.
  • Submit your final assignment via Turnitin as per the instructions on the 2810NRS Learning@Griffith course site [Submit in the ‘Assessment’ tab].
  • Keep your Turnitin receipt as a record of successful



1Some papers are of central importance to a research topic, often because they report a breakthrough, insight, or a new and generative synthesis of ideas. This kind of paper may describe a study that changes our understanding of a topic or describes and illustrates a new and highly useful research method. These kinds of articles are often referred to as seminal or classic papers.

2 Everyday language is predominantly subjective. It is mainly used to express opinions based on personal preference or belief rather than evidence. Written academic English is formal. It avoids colloquialisms and slang, which may be subject to local and social variations. Formal language is more precise and stable, and therefore more suitable for the expression of complex ideas and the development of reasoned arguments.


Family Scenario One: The Wilson Family


  • Hannah Wilson, 27, is a primary school
  • Sharon Wilson, 30, is an engineer for a Brisbane based engineering company. Her company presently has a contract with a central Queensland mine and Sharon has to travel to Mt Isa for ten day periods and returns to Brisbane two to three times per


  • Sharon and Hannah have been married for 10 months. They were delighted to marry in Australia following the successful Marriage Equality plebiscite in 2017. It is Sharon’s second marriage. She was married for three years to Michael, but then met and fell in love with Hannah. Michael and Sharon divorced, leaving Sharon with full custody of their daughter Matilda, who is now 3 years
  • Matilda attends the local kindergarten 5 days per
  • Hannah and Sharon agreed that Hannah would carry their first baby together and so Hannah underwent IVF with donor sperm to conceive twins shortly after their
  • Hannah was due to go on maternity leave from her job as a primary school teacher at 36 weeks gestation, however she went into premature labour and twin boys Gus and Harvey were born at 34 weeks


Extended family:
  • Hannah’s mother and father (Maggie 56 and Jim 65) were not happy about their daughter’s marriage to Sharon and have stopped all contact with Hannah despite Hannah’s attempts to involve them in plans for the arrival of the
  • Maggie (56), had postnatal depression (PND) after the birth of Hannah, and Hannah was left with her Grandmother Eleanor and Grandfather Tom for much of her childhood years. Eleanor (76) and Tom

(77) are living in a retirement village in a nearby suburb but no longer drive their car and rely on public transport. They are both so happy for Hannah, Sharon and Matilda, and visited Hannah and the twins every day while they were in hospital.

  • Sharon’s parents (Catherine 60 and Carl, 59) both live in New Zealand and usually fly over to visit Sharon and Matilda every year. They attended Sharon and Hannah’s wedding and are both delighted about the twins and cannot wait to


Current situation:
  • Hannah gave birth to twins Gus and Harvey, six weeks premature, and they spent two weeks in the Special Care Nursery at the hospital before being discharged home. Hannah has been breastfeeding and expressing so that Sharon can bottle feed the twins as well. Both babies are breastfeeding well and also take the expressed breastmilk from the bottle easily.  Hannah and Sharon both feel exhausted due to getting up for frequent overnight feeding and Sharon still has three 10 day rotations of work commitments in Mt Isa before she can take parental leave. This means that Hannah will be alone with the twins and Matilda for ten days at a
    • Hannah had a vaginal delivery for the birth of the twins but she needed to have a small episiotomy and 3 stitches. The episiotomy has since become infected and is causing Hannah constant discomfort. She is having regular warm salt baths during the day to help with healing and is on a course of antibiotics. Hannah has also experienced some nipple trauma as she had difficulty with breastfeeding in the first few days and this has been very upsetting and painful and she is not sure what to do to help improve this.
    • Sharon is very worried about how Hannah will manage when she is away for work and has noticed that Hannah has been very teary and easily upset in the past week since they have returned
    • Matilda is very excited to have two baby brothers, however she is refusing to go to bed at her usual bed time and is instead running around the house and leaving her toys everywhere, instead of in the rumpus room, when Hannah and Sharon are feeding the


As the Child and Family Health nurse, the Midwife has notified you about Hannah and her twins’ discharge from hospital. You meet the family at the home visit when they are discharged from hospital.







Nursing care of the family: Assessment
·         Uses the supplied template to create a genogram and insert it into the body of the assignment.

·         Correctly uses text and symbols to visually represent the family and creates an accurate, comprehensive genogram.



·         Accurately summarises the family structure and demonstrates understanding of the family assessment findings 5
·         Clearly identifies and describes two family strengths using the AFSNAG 5
Nursing care of the family: Planning, Implementing and Evaluating
For each issue: Issue 1 Issue 2
a)  Description of issue/challenge

·         Describes an issue/challenge experienced by the family or its members

·         Clearly and logically discusses what is known about this issue/challenge





b)  Planning nursing care

·         Provides a relevant nursing goal

·         Provides a clear, logical justification for the chosen goal (why it is relevant to the issue)





c)  Implementing nursing care

·         Discusses one appropriate nursing intervention to achieve the goal

·         Provides a clear, logical justification for the chosen nursing intervention

·         Supplements the nursing intervention by recommending an online resource for the family and providing an appropriate referral







d)  Evaluating nursing care

·         Describes how the nurse would evaluate the effectiveness of this nursing intervention and whether it met the planned goal of care





·         The written assessment task is appropriately supported by no fewer than 15 different sources

·         The sources are scholarly and are appropriately inserted in-text to provide relevant evidence to support the point/s made

·         Referencing (in-text citations and reference list entries) strictly adheres to APA Style 6th Edition guidelines.

·         Reference list starts on a separate page.






·         Includes assignment title page (not Griffith University assignment submission cover sheet)

·         Essay is well presented, with correct spelling, grammar, and well- constructed sentence and paragraph structure

·         Uses academic language throughout

·         Word count is stated and 1700 words or less.





Total marks 100