The City as a Growth Machine is a Good Model for Explaining Patterns of Urban Development

Show me the residence city or the locality of a person, and I will show you the kind of life and social strata that person leads and belongs to. The City as a Growth Machine is a good model for explaining patterns of urban development for it arguably bases its focus on the political economic status of a city or a locality and how that economy culminates in dictating and steering the economic, social and political growth and development of that   city or locality (Pacione, 2009). The economic development of a city or locality expands in proportion to the economic activity that goes on in that city. The growth and development of a city is not only one dimensional in population growth only too but how the population growth can match a constant growth too in economic activity (Leicht & Jenkins, 2009)

The growth of city which is directly related to the economic activity in that city, determines whether the city will be abandoned and more so determines the social, political and economic status of that city. A city with much economic activity translates to a city that is economically dynamic with growing social, commercial, and political activity and so improved living standards and developments. The development margins and patterns of a city are explained by the way that city involves itself in economic activities (pradoto, 2012). The politics and political environment in a city or a locality are the principal bedrock of growth and progressive development of that city. A harsh political environment means an unsettled economic environment barring economic activity which is what dictates the growth and development of a city or a a nutshell, the growth of a city is a social phenomenon for it is much driven by the coming together of different interest people or groups that all merit from sustained