Research project with Bibliography

Essay 4 (Research Project) Review Questions

  1. Is the word count minimum of 1,500 words (about 6-7 pages) met?


  1. Are the 6 required sources (2 UNESCO, 2 peer reviewed academic journal articles, 2 educational institutions) used?


  1. Is the essay in proper MLA Format?


  1. Does the intro lead you right into the issues of sustainable development related to GCE your peer has chosen to analyze, define the key terms and features of GCE that are related to these issues, and make an argument for the specific ways in which particular GCE Programs at specific educational institutions in the United States and around the world are addressing these issues?


  1. Does each of the body paragraphs begin with a topic sentence that highlights a particular way in which a specific GCE program addresses a sustainable development issue and or subset of issues as set up in the thesis?


  1. Do the body paragraphs develop an analysis of how each of the issues and / or subset of issues is treated at specific institutions with GCE programs, citing studies and other types of data that prove how GCE is being used to address each issue sustainably? Is each point supported by multiple sources of support defended from opposing points of view when needed?


  1. Does the conclusion prove how the overall argument relates to the wider needs of humanity today?


  1. Is there a Works Cited page with what seems to be proper format?