How to Success

Success is more of a personal paycheck than just a goal. It differs from one individual to the other with what one calls success very different from what another person defines it to be. However, it agreeable that no matter the varying definitions, everybody wants and works towards achieving success in their lives. Primarily, success is all about the efforts one puts towards reaching it and how one draws their roadmap to that which they define to be success. The common denominator of success lies in hard work, skill, and dedication. One may be successful courtesy of hard work and dedication towards their goals in life, but again if they are to stay consistent in success, they must have the dedication again and the skill to maintain success (Phillips, 2002).

Success does not just come on a silver plate. However different we may define it, there is some common path and uniqueness embedded in success. For one to be successful, they must first establish and identify their passion. It may take a while to identify one’s passion, yet it is very important when one identifies it. The passions, personal values, and interests of a person enables them set their goals correctly, and goals enable them realize success. To achieve success, one should have clear goals, both short term and long term in close relation to their interests and passion. Doing what one loves is surely intrinsically motivating. Success is surrounded by understanding what is important to you as person but not what is important to others (Mlambo, 2014).

Success is also dependent on realizing our strengths and weakness too. It is until you realize your strengths that you narrow down to what you are good at with much concentration, build on it, and eventually realize your success through capitalizing on those strengths. Discovering the person you are helps in knowing your strengths and weakness too. When one realizes their weaknesses and limitations, they can attain success for they look to go over them without hiding behind them. Being intelligent of oneself is therefore very important towards achieving success in our goals (Phillips, 2002).

Success calls for a purposeful living. For one to attain that which they call success, they must live purposely and be very sensitive with their actions lest they drift away from the roadmap to their success. Towards success, one should be educated and gain knowledge, skills and creativity credible to their goals. Education helps in staying acquainted with the skills to be achieve that success and how to maintain it consistently growing. Success calls for good management of time and financial resources, skills which can be achieved through education. To be successful, one must understand well their income, have good expenditure priorities, and have a savings habit and mentality (Mlambo, 2014).

Towards achieving success, one must understand their present situation and draw a clear roadmap on how they will reach their success. One should not compare themselves with others, for just like we are different right from our walking style, one’s success may not compare another person’s success be it their twin. You cannot expect success when you ‘preach water and drink wine’. One must identify the conducive and right environment for their success and surround themselves with it. Don’t compromise whatsoever way your goals to success. One should identify distractions and negativities and get rid of them and stop being too good to yourself for without pain, there is hardly any gain (Phillips, 2002).

In a nutshell, success is independent. It calls for a good plan and being goal oriented. To be successful, one has to be highly dedicated in realizing their goals, shunning away from negativities and limitations and capitalizing on their strengths. Hard work, positive thinking, skill, and personal motivation and dedication, without giving up are synonymous to attaining success (Mlambo, 2014).


Bill Phillips, (2002), Body for Life Success Journal, HarperCollins.

Judge Mlambo, (2014), Success Journal, Author House.