International Strategy

Maximum of 15 double spaced, 12 font, times new roman, 1” margins.
Diagrams and charts are part of the page count. Note: Anything less than 13 pages will not be sufficient for 230 points.
Late papers will not be accepted.
b) A rubric will be provided to help you understand how
I will evaluate the work. There are also the already mentioned quality guidelines in the appendix.
c) Choosing a Topic
i) Select a country that you would either like to work with or in. Ideally this is tied to your language study (e.g., Mexico for Spanish speakers)
ii) Select an industry that you are interested in working (e.g., Food service).
iii) Select a firm in that industry here in ALABAMA (or the state that you come from if you’d prefer) that is currently or could possibly do business in that country (e.g., Chester’s International).
Alternatively, if you have a job waiting for you, you may select that company.
d) Writing the paper. The paper should contain 4 elements:
i) A history of the company and its competitive advantage here in the domestic market.
(1)You might also put relevant sales, profits, trends, countries
in which they’re doing business in here. Anything relevant about the company that a potential investor might want to know when evaluating your project.
ii) An overview of your selected country and industry.
(1) You could give the relevant numbers for the country here as well as cultural differences and the implications of those differences on doing business in that country. Also, any concerns about doing business in this country (e.g., security, fraud, government red tape)
iii) Can your company compete in your country? Can it transfer its competitive advantage to your country? Challenges of your company in that market.
(1) This is the most critical part of the paper. Be honest with yourself here. Can your company really pull this venture off? If not, what can you do to reduce the risk (e.g., joint venture instead of acquisition). If it was your company, what would you do?
iv) Proposed action steps in order to move forward.
(1) What would you do next? Get into the details here. Do you do more research? Do you send someone down with the Governor during a trade mission? Do you find a partner? What about a timeline? Is this year ideal given the state of the company and country

I am from Michigan, so the industry I would like to work with would be the automobile industry. You can pick the country to work in.

Quality Standards for Writing Assignments
Typical Characteristics of “A” Level writing
• The paper never strays from its purpose or mistakes its audience. The subject and its treatment are focused, significant, (application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation) interesting
• The paper is organized by an obvious logic.
• Each paragraph has a controlling idea, solid detail, smooth transitions.
• The sentences are varied in length and structure.
•The word choice is uniformly good. Words are chosen for precise denotation, connotation, tone.
• Mechanically, the paper is correct. Note that > 3 errors puts work out of the above average categories.
• Format decisions are appropriate and effective.

Attached is an example of how the final paper should look.
Also attached is a grading rubric

YOU will assign the grade on the individual project. You will provide me with a 30- point range that you believe reflects your performance on the paper. If you give yourself 210-230 points (the maximum), and your paper is not of high quality, then I reserve the right to veto your grade and select a grade that reflects your paper’s contribution relative to the rest of the classes’.