Introducing social studies on primary school to raise the sense of norm

Study aim: the student is aware of the facts, insights, theories and concepts of the social studies program. The student can therefore:

In the introduction to the thesis (reason and objective):

– introducing the subject, giving a problem sketch

In the introduction to the thesis (reason and objective) make a link with sources relevant to the program:
– use this logically in the problem sketch
– with theory relevant to subject and problem sketch
– with concepts relevant to subject and problem sketch
– with facts relevant to the subject and problem sketch

Study aim: on the basis of the aforementioned knowledge, further study or a practical reason (the school practice, an event, interest in a specific detail), the student can name knowledge gaps in these theories.

In the introduction to the thesis (reason and objective):
– Well formulated to give his interest to the subject
– Well formulated to quote an experience, anecdote or event
– quote a striking and original quote
– to make a well-chosen link with current events

In the introduction to the thesis:
– Well formulated and accurately indicate which knowledge gaps in the above sources, facts, theories, reasoning
– occur to spell out exactly what the reason for the research is

Study aim: the student can formulate a problem or issue on the basis of the abovementioned knowledge gaps, including a research question, sub-questions and objectives. The student can therefore

In the introduction to the thesis
– express an objective (the ‘to which’) with a recognizable a-part (the contribution of the research) and b-part (which research is therefore done)
– and the following criteria
o contains a- and b-part
o Is unambiguous and concrete
o Is feasible, given the time
o Is well formulated
o Is useful

With the objective documented, properly formulated and motivated clarify if
– It concerns a practical problem
– Especially an exploratory or correct testing goal
– The goal is relevant for the social studies teacher training program
– The goal is scientifically relevant
– The goal is socially relevant

In the introduction a question (the ‘what’) to put into words, where these:
– Directly in line with the objective
– Causal
– Unambiguous and concrete
– Well formulated
– Original