Assess and plan to adapt an evidence based practice- aggression replacement therapy

Professional memo page length = 3 pages, single spaced. An additional document/guide will be provided on how to structure and format your professional memo.
Case study for Assignment 2- Aggression Replacement Therapy
Please note that the case study is based on an actual EBP. The EBP selected for the course is “Aggression Replacement Therapy.” Note that the array of articles included in this case study are listed in the “abstract” on the cover page. While onerous in number of articles, your instructor has collected for you all the relevant materials you likely need to conduct the assignment. Details included in this package include program descriptions, confirmation that Oregon and California use it as an EBP, journal articles on the intervention, promotional materials, logic model and costs for the program and associated materials and reporting requirements. Better than having to track these down on your own, we think!
Your task is to conduct an assessment of the cultural responsiveness of the chosen intervention (in this case, Aggression Replacement Training). You are to apply the advice in Samuels, Schudrich & Altschul (2009) to the case, identifying how to notice the lack of cultural responsiveness and subsequently to modify the EBP.
Your task includes the following core elements:
a. Identify the culturally-bound elements and discourses that inform the current intervention.
b. Given the tight timeframe of this course, it is not possible to bring this analysis to a gathering of service users and/or community members who share the challenges that the service intends to address, nor to invite their perspectives on the utility of the service, the relevance of the cultural underpinnings of the service, and gather their recommendations for strengthening its cultural responsiveness. INSTEAD, we ask you to anticipate what these are and to describe these concerns, as well as a description on what you would do to check in with relevant communities if you had the time to do so.
c. Conduct a short literature review (2 journal articles) to identify practice modifications and alternatives that offer an improved prognosis for serving diverse communities.
d. Prepare a professional memo of recommended options to strengthen the service, along with why these make sense and the literature that either helps you challenge the cultural responsiveness in ART or helps guide your recommended improvements.
To become familiar with the EBP system look up:
National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices – to see a beginning list of sites for evidence-based practices in addictions and mental health
Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy – to see employment programs that are top-tier ranked
Addictions and Mental Health Services – for Oregon-specific recognition of evidence-based practices in addictions and mental health
Registries of Programs Effective in Reducing Youth Risk Behaviors – for reducing youth risk behaviors from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Compendium of Evidence-Based Interventions and Best Practices for HIV Prevention – of HIV behavioral risk prevention programs from the CDC
I will upload the main sources/resources but also use these
Additional sources/resources:
• Webb, S. (2001). Some considerations on the validity of evidence-based practice in social work. British Journal of Social Work, 31(1), 57-79.
• Nevo, I. & Slonim-Nevo, S. (2011). The myth of evidence-based practice: Towards evidence-informed practice. British Journal of Social Work, 41(6), 1176-1197. Instructor’s recommendation: focus on pages 1186-1195
Gambrill, E. (1999). Evidence-based practice: An alternative to authority-based practice. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 80(4), 341-350.