Accreditation History

Accreditation is a mark of quality. Accreditation involves the granting of credentials of operation or approval to a facility on basis that facility demonstrates the required standards set by the accrediting body or board. Health care organizations and facilities are supposed to attain some accreditation for them to fully flex their health care giving muscles in treating patients. Accreditation is a mode developed to protect health and safety and to ensure that the public gets quality health care (Field, 2007).

Accreditation traces its roots from down the 1800s with communities registering quick growth thus the dire need to set quality standards to meet public needs, healthcare being one. Healthcare and hospital accreditation avails a means by which health care facilities can gauge their performance levels against the set national standards which are developed by a body of experience veteran professional in health care. Regional quality standards was the very first step naturally for the accreditation progression then national accreditation bodies and organizations were later developed. The national accreditation organizations were responsible for setting up the minimum quality standards across the whole country (Malaysian Society for Quality In health, 2016).

In the early 1900s, precisely 1912, about twenty three private career schools helped in discovering the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools which is presently the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools which is now responsible for accrediting many institutions, health care institutions included, in the United States. In the year 1918 the American council of Education was formed to improve on accreditation including more schools with diversified and varying academic programs (Field, 2007).

In the 1930’accreditation became very common with accrediting agencies organizing and overseeing the processes. Accreditation has grown over the years and become a prerequisite for almost every organization, health organizations and facilities included. Presently, it is from the accreditation standards that avail funding and sponsorship for many health facilities. It is more of a vital requirement for health facilities to get their ranking according to the quality of services they can offer (Malaysian Society for Quality In health, 2016).