Evaluation of Video

Summary of the Video

The video shows ABC News featuring Liberty Travel. Liberty travel is one among the many travel agencies that is still thriving and surviving even in the wake of recession and the strong lure of travel bargains that flood all over the internet. The video clip, “Travel Agencies Flying High”, candidly discusses and shows how the Agency, Liberty Travel, has managed to adapt and remain consistently competitive in the travel industry. The video too highlights how Liberty travel has thrived through focusing on some specific travel destinations and also by prioritizing and specializing in very high levels of customer service to achieve customer satisfaction and consequently more customer loyalty. However, Liberty Travel has not just gone without its fair share of problems (Dooley, 1).



The continued evolution of technology, specifically information technology, has impacted the travel agency services industry greatly. It has seen the industry almost face obsolesce (just like president Obama is seen to cite in the video), as online travel websites, courtesy of information technology, take the travel services industry by storm. The widespread inevitable use and rise in technology has set a number of must-achieve conditions that have proved game changers, in both detrimental and beneficial ways to the success of the travel agency services industry in the modern world. Liberty travel has faced the rise in technology as detrimenting and a big challenge in their business. Also the agency has had to put up with the flaws of recess. However, Liberty Agencies has thrived and remained consistently competitive in the travel Agencies services industry by strategically looking for solutions in order to stage some profitable competition in the already flooded industry (Dooley, 2).


Solution by Liberty Travel to the Problems

Despite the competition from online travel agencies and recession, Liberty Travel has managed to survive and thrive. This owes to the value of professional personalized services that the agency has put in order to deliver customer value and satisfaction. Liberty Agencies has professionally sought to go an extra mile in order to reach the specific customer needs especially in the wake of flight delays and travel emergencies something which is a challenge for the online travel websites. The ability to achieve an extra mile on customers’ needs during emergencies has seen the agency gain lots of customers thus making it survive the recession (Dooley, 2).

Also the ability of the agency to offer very competitive prices, the availability of back up resources in aid of clients, and the importance of the agent expertise has seen Liberty Agency overcome its problems and thrive over recession. The importance of the physical human equation as offered by Liberty Travel agency in booking travel has seen customers run to the agency from the online travel sellers thus more income.  At the challenge and growth in technology, thus many online travel websites, Liberty Travel has also inculcated technology in their services such that a client can do their booking online through the agency. With the demand for packaged travel services still  going up and persisting, there will always be something for travel agencies, be it offline or online. This ‘something’ is all what Liberty Travel has capitalized on and bettered it, coupling in technology, and making a kill out of it (Dooley, 1,2).


In a nutshell, the video shows how travel agencies, through Liberty Travel, can still thrive the completion of online travel agencies and still make profits. It highlights the problems and the solutions too to help the travel agencies remain consistent competent and even draw clients from the online travel websites (Dooley, 1).



Dooley, G. ABC:  Travel Agencies Flying High, Travel Agent Central, 2011. Web: http://www.travelagentcentral.com/running-your-business/abc-travel-agencies-flying-high, September 22, 2017