Literature review of academic articles describing factors that may lead to failure in information systems development processes

There is an extensive history of failure in one or more aspects of information systems development projects. This is documented and discussed extensively in the research literature. In order to increase the chances of success in information systems development projects, it is essentially helpful to understand potential failure points in the development process in order to avoid them.

The Task:
conduct a literature review of academic articles describing factors that may lead to failure in information systems development processes. A search on these topics in www:// (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. will help you to identify academic sources, which you should find particularly helpful. Academic sources identified through this means but not providing free full text can often be located through the UNA Library Business and Economics electronic resources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

From your literature review results, identify and describe five factors that can lead to failures in information systems development projects. For each of the five factors propose potential solutions for avoiding the failures as decribed in your research sources.

You must cite a minimum of four sources on this topic located through web-based research in writing a four to five page paper. Your paper must be in paragraph format, clear and concise, opened with an introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the paper followed by the body of your briefing and closed with a high level summary of the topics presented and discussed in labeled sections.

Completion Requirements:

Compose your paper, double spaced, in a Microsoft Word document.
Carefully use in-text citations and provide a References list (last page of the briefing) in APA format a Microsoft Word document with a minimum length of four pages and a maximum length of five pages, not counting the required Title page, Abstract page and References page.
Use APA format (this reference site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and this sample paper (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. will help you with using correct APA formatting) for in-text citations and the entries of the References page. Make certain to absolutely avoid plagiarism in your content!
Submit the completed report in a Word document as an attachment to this assignment link.
Note: A Turnitin analysis (see (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for information on this product) will be automatically applied to your assignment submission to indicate the potential degree of “originality,” which means that you have interpreted and are discussing your research results “in your own words” (paraphrasing, but with APA in-text source citations) or are using proper APA citation methods for exact quotations to include the words of others. A Turnitin analysis percentage of 15% or higher will result in your having to repeat this assignment with a single attempt to achieve a percentage less than 15% in order to receive any credit for it.