DSM-5 psychatric disorder

Choose a specific psychiatric disorder (as defined in the DSM-5) or a neurological disorder with psychiatric overlap and discuss how brain structural changes (or structural abnormalities) lead to pathology.
Discuss how the disease or disorder affects the functioning of brain physiology and how this is manifested functionally in the patient.
Explain the etiology, if known. If unknown, include a personal hypothesis based on a peer-reviewed study.
Research paper should include no less than five (5) peer-reviewed articles. Citations must be included.
Include an opinion section where you expound upon the importance of accurate DX and appropriate TX. At least one case study should be included, with citations if possible, showing the effectiveness (or lack thereof) specific behavioral or pharmacologic interventions.
Example topic diseases: Parkinson’s Disease, FTD/Pick’s Disease, TBI, Gliosis, ADD/ADHD, etc, etc, etc….there is no shortage in the DSM-5. Be creative!