Additive threats from pathogens, climate and land-use change for global amphibian diversity

Instructions: Explain your evaluation and describe the findings of the paper (including the significance of all figures) to your peers.  DO NOT USE DIRECT QUOTES FROM THE PAPER. You need to summarize everything in your own words.




  1. In your own words, describe why this study is important (based on how it is described in the introduction).

Hypothesis(es)/General Question: 

  1. List the stated or implied hypotheses or research questions.


  1. What exactly did the researchers do to investigate their questions/hypotheses?


  1. Describe the major findings of the study (there should be a description that relates to each figure).


  1. What implications/conclusions do the authors draw from their results?
  2. What is the take-home message according to the author(s)?



Evaluation of Paper

  1. What do you consider the strongest points of this study and the paper? The weakest? Explain why.
  2. How does this paper fit into the larger context of what we have discussed in class or that you already know about this field?
  3. What questions did you have while/after reading this paper? (If you reading critically, you should have several). Give at least 3 and explain.