The impact of self medication in the management aspect of Dental Health care that is provided in Dental clinics in Kerala State India , with special attention to the Staff training, Recruitment and Finance.

You are to produce a research proposal on a management topic of your choice. The proposal must follow the structure given below.

This proposal should form the basis of the research you intend to conduct for your dissertation.

Proposal Structure & word count guidance for sections

1. The applicant – context about the researcher, career aspirations, relevant personal work experience etc
2. Name of collaborating establishments [if any]: (Written proof of collaboration req’d)

3. The programme of research
3.1. Title of the proposed dissertation
3.2 Background context
3.3 Research question
3.4 Research aim(s) and 3-5 objectives of the study
3.5 Research Justification – why is this management research worth doing? Using the important criteria – focus, scope, access, impact for business or yourself. (600 words)
(Around 750 words)

4. Initial literature review: Evidence of initial reading and the use of relevant literature to conceptualise the specific problem in the wider literature.
(Around 900 words)
5. Outline Methodology:
4.1) Details of, and rationale for methodological paradigm & research design e.g. how you will design questions, pilot etc.
4.2) Details of case-study site or research population & sampling method
4.3) Details of specific empirical research methods with rationale
4.4) Alignment of the above with topic / question
4.5) Consideration of methods of data analysis
4.6) Consideration of research standards (e.g. validity, reliability &generalisability) and ethical concerns (inc completion of ethics form)
(Around 900 words)

1. Proposed plan of work:
(Evidence of understanding of key deliverables. Identification of specific tasks, timelines, and deliverables from each of the tasks (using Gantt chart). Extent to which the proposed plan of work will help the student to achieve their aims/objectives, stated in section 3.
Resources and Risk Assessment – what resources (e.g. equipment, software etc) will you need to complete this?
What are the three main risks to the project e.g. accessing the sample, managing your time, funding.

8. Ethical sign-off – ethical form signed off by module tutor. This must be included in an appendix with your submission.

(Around 450 words)

All your sources must be referenced using the APA reference system.
A reference list must be included.
Word Count +/- 10%