Mission, Vision, and Strategic Thinking, Planning for Tomorrow

Mission, Vision, and Strategic Thinking, Planning for Tomorrow

Theme 1: Companies need to make money to stay in business.  The leader in the organization is to create a vision and mission.  The vision and mission drives decision making in the organization so that resources of the organization, including human resources, are used properly to make financial sustainability happen.



Theme 2: Strategic thinking is how Biotech’s vision is crafted by leaders to create organizational wealth, customer satisfaction, and sustainability.  Stated at the outset, leadership talent needs to be built and available to make a company grow in today’s business environment.  Strategic thinking can be done by anyone, but requires an open mind, a positive attitude and an organizational culture that aligns with the vision.



Theme 3: Being proactive as a leader means planning for the leadership of tomorrow. In order to sustain competitive advantage, leaders need to plan for tomorrow by ensuring the knowledge garnered by Baby Boomers is harnessed and shared with younger generations before they retire.  Succession planning involves deciding on the leadership of tomorrow, with the knowledge we have about our organization today. This handing of the torch is more than just filling future leadership openings; succession planning ensures that our company’s wealth of expertise, what is commonly called “tribal knowledge”, is protected.

Four Tips for Efficient Succession Planning