Do you believe there should be a national language adopted in the United States?  

The concepts of assimilation and pluralism are traced from their theoretical roots (Park on assimilation, Kallen on pluralism) to the present, and Gordon’s model of assimilation, as presented in the early 1960s, is featured. This model forms a major part of what is called the “traditional” model of assimilation throughout the remainder of the text. Pluralism is presented as a contrast to assimilation, which has increased in importance since the 1960s. Some reasons for this dynamic and some alternatives to “linear assimilation” are suggested.


Objectives of this unit include:

  • To understand the traditional perspective of assimilation, the history and contextual factors leading to its emergence, and arguments against it
  • To understand that pluralism has been a subject of interest in recent years – specifically, they will also differentiate between the different types of pluralism, including cultural, structural, integration without acculturation
  • To explore several theoretical perspectives concerned with stratification, including theories by Park and Gordon.


Unit 2.1 DB: Melting Pot

American culture is usually referred to as a “melting pot”.

What is meant by that and how does it differ from a multicultural appreciation of difference among people? 

Unit 2.2 DB: National Language

Do you believe there should be a national language adopted in the United States?  

What language should it be, and why?  

What purpose would a national language serve?  Are there benefits?  Are there any downsides?

Unit 2.3 DB: Globalization and Religious Pluralism

After watching the video below, discuss how pluralism stands in contrast to universalism today.

Resource References:
Eck, D. (2009). Globalization & Religious Pluralism. The University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from:

Do you agree that this is the new reality?  

What ethical questions are at the forefront of globalization? 

Dr. Rogen

Healey, J.F., (). Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict; 7th Edition;  ISBN: 1412987318

Participation Policy

A substantive post adds to the discussion in a substantial manner. As a general rule, a substantive post is a minimum of 125 words each UNIT and must be substantive responses, and all responses to your classmates and me must be at least 75 words each.