business analysis

You are required to provide the software requirements of a case study based
on a modern Information System such as Social Media, Analytics,
Virtual/Augmented Reality, etc. Your report should include the following:
 Provide a detailed description of your selected case study.
 Where appropriate, specify the goals, policies and operations of an
organisation that has influenced the development of this information
Assignment 1 Marking Schedule
Criteria – Report
Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Case Study
The case study is not
described in detail. The
case study is not about a
contemporary information
system. Goals, policies and
operations not addressed.
The case study is
described in detail,
though it can be
improved with additional
information. A few
requirements and
stakeholders are
provided with no
supporting reasons.
Some goals, policies and
operations have been
The case study is described
in detail. It is a modern
information system.
Identifies the purpose of the
system with some
requirements. Some
requirements and
stakeholders are identified
with reasons. Some goals,
policies and operations have
been discussed.
The case study is described in detail.
It is about a modern information
system and one of a kind. The purpose
of the system is well described
offering information that can be used
in building the system. Several
potential requirements and strong
reasons for them are provided.
Stakeholders are identified. Goals,
policies and operations have been
presented convincingly.
Less than 15 requirements
are provided. Some of the
requirements are not correct
and not in the correct
About 20 correct
requirements are provided
with the correct format
Between 20 and 30
requirements in the correct
format are provided.
More than 30 correct requirements
are provided in the correct format.
Elicitation Methods
Less than three
requirements elicitation
methods are provided. The
justification for the methods
are weak.
Three requirements
elicitation methods are
provided with justification
and appropriate supporting
Four requirement elicitation
methods are provided with
justification and appropriate
supporting literature.
More than four requirement elicitation
methods are provided with
justification and appropriate
supporting literature.
Criteria –
Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Grouping of
requirements into
themes (10%)
Most requirements have not
been grouped into themes.
The grouping needs
The criteria for the grouping
is not specified.
Most requirements have
been grouped into themes.
The criteria f or the
grouping is clearly
Majority of requirements
have been grouped into
themes. The criteria for the
grouping is clearly explained.
All requirements have been grouped
into appropriate themes. The criteria
for the grouping is clearly explained.
Requirement Sources
Only one source of
requirement is provided
Two sources of
requirements is provided
with justification needing
Three sources of
requirements is provided with
convincing justification.
More than three sources of
requirements is provided with
convincing justification.
Criteria – Report
Poor Good Very Good Excellent
List and justify any
potential stakeholders
Few stakeholders are
identified. The justification
for the stakeholders are weak.
Some stakeholders are
identified with justification,
however the reasons for the
stakeholders can be
Most stakeholders are
identified with
justification backed by
research literature.
Several stakeholders are
identified with strong
justification. Stakeholders
have been clearly link to
specific requirements or
group of requirements.
Research literature support
these stakeholders
Grammar and spelling
There are several grammar
and spelling errors
Most sentences are
grammatically correct.
There are very few spelling
mistakes. Most terms have
been well explained.
Majority of sentences are
grammatically correct.
There are no spelling
mistakes. All terms have
been well explained.
All sentences are
grammatically correct. There
are no spelling mistakes. All
terms have been well
Correct use of APA
referencing (5%)
Several references do not
follow the APA referencing
guide. Most of the references
are based on websites.
Most references correctly
follow the APA referencing
guide. Most references are
based on scholarly articles
Majority references
correctly follow the APA
referencing guide. All
references are based on
scholarly articles
All references correctly
follow the APA referencing
guide. All references are
based on scholarly articles
This assignment contributes 35% of your final grade. Please note that you must work alone since this is an individual
assignment. There should be no collaboration in executing any part of this assignment.
Approximately 2000 words excluding references