Cannes Lions Film Festival

Discussion: Cannes Lions Film Festival

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has been known as a premier competition to celebrate creativity. The winners are showcased at

See All 23 Grand Prix Winners From the 2017 Cannes Lions Festival

(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Watch several videos. Share the link with the one you liked the best and give a brief summary of the video. What did you think was the most creative aspect of the video? Does the video share results directly attributed to the video, such as an increase in revenues, clicks, etc? What do you believe made the video successful? (Try to find a video not already shared on the discussion board. There are plenty to choose from.)

Comment on two other other classmates’ posts. Did you watch the video that they commented on. Do you have thoughts to share?

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the video I liked the best is called Meet Graham. It is the third video on the site. Graham was designed to show the (general) public what a person would need to look like in order to survive a low impact crash. The collaborative project was put into effect using decades of road safety data, medical research, and creativity. During the process, key weaknesses in the human body were recognized and altered to create Graham.

The most creative aspect of the video is the fact that a trauma surgeon, artist, and road safety engineer worked on the project to produce an incredible sculpture that promoted safety awareness. The video shares did result to an increase in revenues and clicks. This road safety message became a global phenomenon in several days. I believe the video was successful because people were fascinated by the creation of Graham; from the way he was structured to what he promoted. Graham made an incredible impact on road safety, and his existence was a reminder that we should always be attentive on the road. After all, we’re not like Graham.

The link I provided is a 360 degree view of Graham >