Leadership (Concepts of followership and Critique the activities of follower)

Read the case study, “A Match Made of Mission. (attached)” and Address the following questions:

1) Relate the main characters of this case study and their roles with L-NEAT. Describe what motivates each character and who are considered stakeholders.
2) Compare Ella Starr and Craig King as board members and followers for L-NEAT. Distinguish the ways their actions affect the overall successes and failures of L-NEAT.
3) Consider the role of the board of directors and staff in relation to the rising tension between L-NEAT and NEAT. Analyze what is occurring within L-NEAT to promote the disequilibrium.
4) Jason Young appears to be the L-NEAT hero. Examine his actions. To what extent did his actions contribute to the successes or failures of the followers and the organization? To what extent did the actions of the followers contribute to Young’s successes or failures?
5) Distinguish the different roles that mission-driven and leader-driven followers played at L-NEAT. Examine the actions of those followers and their effects on the outcome of the case study.
6) Use the follower typology of either Kelley or Kellerman to categorize the characters in the case study.

You must used the week Reading and Materials (attached) concepts to answer the above question:

1) Textbook Readings
Riggio et al.: Chapter 6 “Six Ways of Following”

Journal Articles:
1) Kelley, Robert E. (1988). “In Praise of Followers.” Harvard Business Review, 66(6), 142–148.

2) Kellerman, Barbara. (2007). “What Every Leader Needs to Know About Followers.” Harvard Business Review. 85(12), 84-91.

3) Riggio, Ronald E. (2014). “Followership Research: Looking Back and Looking Forward.” Journal of Leadership Education, vol. 13, no.4, pp. 15-20