Write a 2-4 page narrative that details a developmental personal crisis.

Write a 2-4 page narrative that details a developmental personal crisis.  Be sure to read the assigned readings to date to aid you.  Chapter 5 will be especially helpful.    You must cover EVERY item as outlined in the scoring rubric below to maximize points.  Remember, your score will be based on how well you address each item.     You must use your textbook and you may use any additional course material such as handouts.

Scoring Rubric

Expected Items Possible Points
Discuss a time in which you went through a developmental crisis.  Define developmental crisis.  Use your textbook to define developmental crisis.  Give full details on the crisis. 10 points
Discuss how you dealt with the crisis.  How did you cope?  Did you get help?  Did someone intervene? 10 points
Knowing what you know so far about crisis intervention, do you think your crisis was dealt with appropriately?  Explain why or why not? 5 points









How would you help someone who may be going through a similar crisis?  Use chapters 1-5 to aid you with appropriate steps to take. 10 points


-2-4  complete pages of content excluding cover page, list of references

-In text citations

-Cover page, List of references


5 points
Total 40 points