Traditional leadership, adaptive leadership and followership concepts and applications. While these concepts may appear to be disjointed, they can be woven together for an effective leadership approach within an organization. In a 4-5 page essay, create a comprehensive organizational leadership plan using adaptive leadership and followership concepts.

The first four units examine traditional leadership, adaptive leadership and followership concepts and applications. While these concepts may appear to be disjointed, they can be woven together for an effective leadership approach within an organization. In a essay, create a comprehensive organizational leadership plan using adaptive leadership and followership concepts.

1) Design a new leadership/followership model for an organization. (Hint: this could be a new leadership/followership approach for your organization/business/workplace.) Creativity is encouraged.
2) Analyze the design for effectiveness. Question how this design will work.
3) Compare the design with the previous leadership approach. Examine and relate what is different and what is similar in this design.
4) Consider your ah-ha moments, take aways, and impressions in this design. (Hint: Illustrate why you would like to work in this environment.)

In this essay, paragraphs should be concise, to the point, and convey the author’s message with little effort on the reader’s part.

Attached are the reading material:
Unit One Learning Outcomes:
1) Analyze characteristics of leaders
2) Assess activities of leaders and managers
Reading and Material (Attached)
Textbook Readings
1) Kouzes and Posner: Chapters 1-3
2) The Leadership Challenge Notes

Unit two Outcomes:
1) Examine the differences between technical fixes and adaptive challenges
2) Compare the four competencies of adaptive leadership
Reading Material:
1) Journal Articles
a. Heifetz, Ronald A., and Donald L. Laurie. 2001. “The Work of Leadership.” Harvard Business Review 79, no. 11: 131-141. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost.
b. Gary, Loren. 2005. “Ronald Heifetz.” New Zealand Management 52, no. 7: 46. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost.
c. Heifetz, Ronald A., and Marty Linsky. 2004. “When Leadership Spells Danger.” Educational Leadership 61, no. 7: 33-37. Education Source, EBSCOhost.
d. Heifetz, Ronald A., and Marty Linsky. 2002. “A Survival Guide for Leaders.” Harvard Business Review 80, no. 6: 65-74. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost.
2. Video
a. Heifetz: Adaptive vs. Technical
on TEDEd
a. Adaptive Leadership Notes

Unit 3 Outcomes:
1) Analyze the four adaptive leadership competencies
2) Distinguish leadership from authority

Readings and Materials
1) Journal Articles
a. O’Malley, Ed. (2012). “The Competencies for Civic Leadership.” Kansas Leadership Center.
b. Heifetz, Ronald. (2010). “Adaptive Work.” Kansas Leadership Center.
2. Websites
a. Heifetz: “Lessons in Leadership” on NPR
3. Lectures/Documents
a. Adaptive Leadership Lecture

Unit 4 Outcomes:
1) Concepts of followership
2) Critique the activities of followers

Readings and Materials
1) Textbook Readings
a. Riggio et al.: Chapter 6 “Six Ways of Following”
2) Journal Articles
a. Kelley, Robert E. (1988). “In Praise of Followers.” Harvard Business Review, 66(6), 142–148.
b. Kellerman, Barbara. (2007). “What Every Leader Needs to Know About Followers.” Harvard Business Review. 85(12), 84-91.
c. Riggio, Ronald E. (2014). “Followership Research: Looking Back and Looking Forward.” Journal of Leadership Education, vol. 13, no.4, pp. 15-20. Education Source, EBSCOhost.
3) Lectures/Documents
a. A Match Made of Mission