Research and analyse a human service organisationthat provides a social work or welfare services,

Organisational analysis- Poster presentation-

Assignment One. This Task involves three steps:

  1. Research and analyse a human service organisationthat provides a social work or welfare services,
  2. Present this research and analysis as a Poster presentation- uploaded to Discussion Board and also Safe assignment drop box for assignment one- for marking,
  3. Comment on at least two other students’ posters on Discussion Board

Step 1- Choose a Human Service Organisation- You may select a small human service organisation or a small department of a larger organisation that provides a social work/social welfare service. It is crucial to select an organisation very early in the semester. Ideally you will visit the organisation by organising a meeting with the organisation/a worker within the organisation to obtain the information you needRemain respectful at all times– Human Service Organisations are busy places. They will help if they can. Use your own networks as much as possible to organise a visit. Organisations may not get back you- have a back-up plan.


Examples of an organisation you could visit include: the Social Work Department in a public hospital; support worker/social worker/psychologist at Centrelink; Dept of Housing; homelessness services; domestic violence services; Anglicare; Red Cross; Schools/universities where there are counsellors; Aboriginal health or housing services; Centacare; Lifeline; Mission Australia; disability support services; Child Safety; Health services eg Community Health; mental health services; community centres; Women’s Centre; Veteran Services; Women’s Shelter; Act for Kids; Youth Services; Migrant/refugee services; Salvation Army; Carer support services; NDIS.

It is much better if one or two students visit an organisation rather than a large group, or multiple visits by individual students turning up trying to make an appointment to talk to a worker. Such approaches have resulted in complaints to the Subject Coordinator of WS2512 in previous years. Talk to other students about where they are going- or use the Discussion Board thread to identify organisations and choose a different agency so organisations are not overburdened. If all else fails- you may use online research to find the resources/information you need- HOWEVER it is highly desirable that you visit an agency if at all possible – as some required information may not be available on the organisation’s web site. Also- visiting organisations helps you build your networks.

If you work in an HSO that provides a social work or social welfare-type service, you could use this organisation as a basis for your organisational analysis- particularly if you reside in a very small town with few human service organisations to choose from.However, ideally, you will select a HSO that is not known to you – this will provide a new learning experience and help you with contacts in the local field for your upcoming field placement (social work students) and future employment.  Please note: This research and analysis will incorporate a current experience of an HSO – not a past experience. Choosing a very small organisation may not offer the analysis detail you will need – if unsure check with lecturer.

Information you will need to inform the Organisational Analysis -Poster Presentation:

  • Name of organisation
  • The Mission of the organisation and/or goals of social welfare programs within a larger organisation, the auspice under which it operates (funding, larger organisation, legislation)
  • Range of services provided.
  • A chart of the organisation’s official structure (lines of authority). Include Organisational Chart as an appendix;
  • A brief description of the organisation’s direct (local) and indirect (larger network, political) task environments (insights offered by your contact person, own observations)
  • Challenges/Changes (positive or negative) influencing frontline workers (contact person observations; could include related media coverage; your observations; readings)
  • The power/ influence/presence/positioning of service users/consumers in the HSO
  • Diversity of staff/service users/ programs, evidence of inclusive practice; Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander staff
  • Use of volunteers
  • Own reflection on organisation and whether you think you would like to volunteer, do a placement in or work in this organisation (values, interests, career development/ aspirations).

Step 2. You need to transform your Organisational research and analysis into a poster presentation.

  • The program ‘Powerpoint’ poster or other technologies can be used to design your poster.
  • The Poster presentation should include images/colour, title (organisation), and information gathered from your organisational research and analysis (mission, frontline services provided, service users, environment, challenges/changes, volunteers, diversity, reflection)
  • Students will insert a voice file to present the information. Speak as if you were giving an informative  class presentation about the organisation (Approx 5-6 minutes). References and Organisational chart can be included on a second slide or appendix.
  • Upload poster into both Discussion Board (for sharing with other students) and into the Assignment 1 Safe Assign dropbox – for marking
  • See this useful Youtube recordings on how to develop a poster in powerpoint. However this offers a guide- Make sure you address assessment criteria/dot points


  • Include a statement about your own insight/reflection/observations in the voice file.

ALSO- see Instructional video above on ths Task, how to attach a voice file and how to upload into Discussion Board and Safe Assign.

The poster must be your own individual, original work.


Step 3- Comment on two other students’ poster presentation in Discussion Board

Students will engage with other students and their posters by providing comment on at least two other students’ posters in the Discussion Board Poster Forum- for example offering useful, supportive comment on design and presentation-  butwhy not look at lots more of the posters on the Discussion Board- and learn about more organisations!