Living in the city versus living in the country

It is very hard to find a perfect answer to such a question; which is better? Living in the country or living in the city. What one might prefer might not be good as what the other might prefer. Most people might enjoy a hyper environment and a hyper active life of the cosmopolitan city and places where they can use modern social amenities and have unlimited practical resources both for leisure and work. On this other side, other people could prefer to be close to nature where they live in peaceful and come environments of the country side and have their leisure time spent on hiking, fishing and picking fruits in the forest. It is certain that modern city life and rural area life are connected with an array of great differences. According to me, how rural and urban lives are lived and their effects on the lives of people have significance on the same individuals.

It is expected that those who live in rural areas are more calm, live conservative and friendly lives and are family oriented compared to those living in urban areas. Those in rural areas are used to moving at very slow paces unlike in modern and metropolitan cities where movement is dynamic and fast. Generally, those who live in modern areas are not family oriented but career oriented, have more focus and are more concerned about their lives unlike those in the village. Those living in metropolitan areas are more broad minded and direct. It is true to the stereotype fact that there is a critical mass in the city but this factor is beneficial to those living in the city because of the vast opportunities in career development, education and living a life that is socially advances. It would be better in this nature to live in the city especially if one wants to live an improved live and have vast opportunities.

It is also a known fact that most of sport and entertainment facilities, education establishments, culture, social amenities, big shopping malls and hotels can only be found in urban area and therefore those living in the country side will have less and limited access to such amenities. The country side is normally considered less crowded and therefore those living in rural areas know and understand each other better, support each other, would visit each other frequently and develop exceptional relationships with each other unlike in towns. Contrasting to this, those in big cities are usually involved in very active social interactions and have a great deal of social activities and you might find many of them getting tired of communicating and staying open to their friends.

Comparison of country and social life is not complete before mentioning the cost of day to day living in big cities and small towns. Even with the wide range of opportunities and a better job, the cost of living in the city is relatively high compared to the cost of living in rural areas. Generally, life in the city is very expensive and it could be very difficult for one to afford everything they might need. People in the city might be forced to get another source of income to make extra income. In rural areas, life is generally cheap from housing to food to other expenses and families in rural areas have their gardens where they can farm and feed from fresh fruits and vegetables they grow. Rural areas are traffic free, congestion free, pollution free, affordable, relaxed and less stress free making it preferable to live in the country side than in the city.