Summary: Sense In leadership

Leadership frameworks and discussions are always developed to help leaders deal with the complexity of current issues that face leadership. In the present, organizations keep on evolving from a bureaucratically form of structure that is internal to an external form of structure to a structure that is controlled externally. This has led to further forms of complexities in organizational leadership structures while leaders are called upon to develop sense making frameworks in how they run the same organizations. For the reason of defining sense in leadership, Mohammed Saad developed his own discussion of how leaders can make their management sensible. He begins his discussion by defining sense making and discusses how it is crucial in organizational activities especially those that lie at the center of management functions. According to him, in his discussion, sense making should be a continuous process just like leadership itself.

Borrowing from previous works of leadership and sense making, Mohammed in his discussion also discusses how sense can be achieved. In his discussion, he goes further and discusses how sense making can impact an organization influencing decision making and other significant process involved in management as well. Even as his discussion revolves around sense making, Mohammed limits his discussion to a context within organizational domains. The primary focus of his study is to provide a review of how and when leaders can endorse sense in attempts to influence organizational outcomes. Mohammed in his discussion also investigates the different methodologies used in sense making existing research and makes a conclusion based on his own reflections and the outcomes of leadership activities. Just like any other research, the author employs the use of two database systems to explain the origin of leadership and sense making. Sense making is not as a result of understanding how already developed processes work but rather the author discusses the process of sense making as a retrospective rational process that allows individuals to extract and identify all perceptual cues from circumstances around them.

Ultimately, to give meaning to the sense making process, the author discusses the sense making process particularly in relation to finding meaning in day to day events and tries to discourage the understanding of sense making process as an automated cognitive response. His discussion further summarizes sense making as an individual’s commitment to compare existing knowledge the life processes that are ongoing. He also tries to challenge already developed framework that discuss sense making to be more of cognitive processing and not social processing. He makes a conclusion that sense making especially in leadership functions does cannot be understood as being cognitive or social but rather he argues that sense making is a process of developing cognitive models that help a leader understand the activities in their environment. To make the discussion complete and contextual, he provides a discussion on how sense making takes place in the context of leadership. He develops an integrative framework of how sense making can be perfectly applied in leadership structures and the numerous events that preceded leadership behavior and consequences of the same behaviors in order to differentiate sense making behaviors.

He develops and discusses the complexities involved in leadership that addresses environments that keep on changing and relates the same to sense making process. in his discussion, the author also a mental model of behavior as an illustration of how the environment works and what actually needs to be done in order to gain mutual understanding between leaders and disciples. From this understanding, the author develops a different concept of sense giving as a fundamental requirement in leadership and sense making process. Sense giving in this discussion is discusses are a process in which leaders have effect on how people in their environment construct meaning.  In reference to existing literatures on sense making and leadership, this discussion makes an analysis of the major impacts that sense making have on leadership. As a fundamental outcome, this discussion points out the collective influence and outcome that sense making brings in support of leadership.

In proof of the consequences of leadership behavior, the author also develops a systematic understanding of research methods that can be used to influence understanding of how sense making affect leadership. In support of existing scholar discussion, this paper utilizes the understanding of mathematical models to analyze the impact of sense making process in leadership. It discusses the mathematical model as an uncommon technique in sense making studies that derives its meaning from collaborative actions that influence other peoples’ behavior in the same context of leadership.  To conclude his discussion, the author discusses sense making as a continuous process for leaders who want to maximize proper management of organization and people at the same time. By extracting rational meanings from individual interactions and environment, this discussion presents an understanding of sense making as a process that is not limited to organizational procedures only. The paper clearly attempts to provide a review of when and how leaders can use sense making process to influence institutional outcomes. Ultimately, sense making is discusses as an inseparable interaction of leaders and situational interactions.