Describe Mahdavi’s notion of “thinking globally, acting locally” and apply it to the El Monte case (Su and Martorell).


  • Part 1: Describe Mahdavi’s notion of “thinking globally, acting locally” and apply it to the El Monte case (Su and Martorell).
  • Part 2: Discuss: what were the experiences for the migrants trafficked in El Monte (see Su and Martorell)? What did you learn about their conditions? What were the structural factors and conditions that sustained their vulnerability as labor trafficked migrants? What made it trafficking? Anything surprising in the case example?
  • Part 3) Apply the EEOC questions to Minia (Mahdavi). Answer one set of questions in the case example of Minia (Mahdavi reading). Then when responding to a peer, make sure you respond to someone in the class who answered a different question. Choose A, B or C
    • A) Apply these questions to Minia: How was she recruited? What was she promised? Did someone else organize or force her to travel? Were her passport or documents taken before or upon arrival?
    • B) Apply these questions to Minia: What were the actual working conditions once in the United States?
Was she coerced? How?
    • C) Apply these questions to Minia: Was she paid? How much?
Did the employer try to prevent her from leaving the job? What happened?
Do you think she was afraid of her employer?
    • If you are interested in seeing where these questions came from, visit this file: brochure-human_trafficking.pdf



  • Post a thoughtful, critically engaged, and reading engaged one paragraph (minimum of 200 words) to CANVAS for designated weeks.
  • Do not summarize the readings.
  • Engage with the text and your critical reaction to/evaluation of its contents, and help stimulate discussion.
  • The prompt for the week will be made available on Monday at 10AM for the week it is assigned.
  • Each student will post one discussion entry by 11:59PM on Thursday on the readings assigned for the week.
  • Tips for strong responses
    • Response should explicitly respond to the prompt.
    • Students are encouraged to find linkages between concepts in multiple readings, rather than discuss one reading only.
    • Students may reflect on a personal or professional experience that clearly relates to the reading content, or apply the skills discussed in your practicum setting. Or, you might relate the reading to something else you have read, perhaps media coverage of the topic or a reading from another class.
  • Deadlines for response:
    • Discussion #2 – 9/6