Why does being relevant in business communication require customized messages that are important to the targeted audience?

1-Why does being relevant in business communication require customized messages that are important to the targeted audience?


2-Why must you always understand your audience’s needs and preferred method of communication?


3-How can planning and reviewing the content of a business communication heighten the relevance of the message and the message’s meaning?


4-When do peer reviews assist in the quality and content of a message being communicated?


5-When should business communication contain content that gets and retains the attention or action by the targeted audience?

1-Should business communication integrate multiple concepts to support positions? Why or why not?


2-What does using your “voice” mean in business communication in terms of developing a style of communication that is your own but also relies on accepted communication standards?


3-How many words used or borrowed from other authors might constitute or be considered plagiarism?


4-Why do good business communicators use evidence (primary and secondary research) to assure that the statements or claims they make are correct, reliable and valid?


5-How does attention to detail in your personal business correspondence help build your credibility as a competent communicator?