Choose a nonhuman primate (either a specific species or a genus) and describe its characteristics and evolutionary history.

Choose a nonhuman primate (either a specific species or a genus) and describe its characteristics and evolutionary history.

  • What is the taxonomy of this primate (suborder, infraorder… genus, species)?
  • To which other primates is this primate most closely related?
  • When did this primate last share a common ancestor with humans?
  • Describe similarities between this primate and humans. Are these similarities homologous or analogous? Explain.
  • When did these similar traits evolve (if it is unknown, hypothesize).
  • What makes these primates unique/special? Describe one or more ways in which this primate differs from other primates?
  • Convergent evolution/analogies: Are there any other species (primate or non-primate animals) that exhibit similar specialized traits?
  • What factors may have selected for this/these difference(s)?
  • When did these derived traits evolve in your primate’s lineage?


Essay 2 checklist/rubric:

  • Essay is written in full, grammatically correct sentences (2 pts) _____
  • Essay is properly cited
    • Includes at least one in-text citation (2 pt) ____
    • Includes a references section (2 pt) ____
  • Essay is no longer than 800 words with a word count listed at the end, single spaced, 12 pt font (2 pts) _____
  • Essay accurately addresses each part of the essay topic:
    • Describe the taxonomic classification of the primate (1 pt) _____
      • Things to consider/answer:
        • What is the suborder or your primate? Infraorder? Superfamily? Family? Subfamily? Genus or genera? Species?
      • Which other primate taxa are closely related to this primate (1 pt)
        • Which primates are in the same subfamily?
      • When did this primate last share a common ancestor with humans? (1 pt)
        • When did their lineage split from that of humans? How many millions of years ago?
      • Describe similarities between this primate and humans. (1.5 pts)
      • Are these similarities homologous or analogous? Explain. (1.5 pts)
        • Things to consider:
          • Approximately when did your species and the other species with the trait last share a common ancestor? (if relatively recent, traits more likely to be homologous)
          • Was this trait likely present in the last common ancestor? (if yes-homologous)
        • When did these similar traits evolve (if it is unknown, hypothesize). (1 pt)
        • What makes these primates unique/special? Describe one or more ways in which this primate differs from other primates? (1.5 pts)
        • Convergent evolution/analogies: Are there any other species (primate or non-primate animals) that exhibit similar specialized traits? (1 pt)
        • What factors may have selected for this/these difference(s)? (1.5 pts)
          • Things to consider:
            • What is the function of this trait in your primate and the other lineage? How did it help individuals in these lineages to pass on more copies of their genes?
          • When did these derived traits evolve in your primate’s lineage? (1 pt)
        • Total = __________/20 pts


Keywords and key phrases: Including some or all of the following keywords will increase the likelihood that your essay will sufficiently address the rubric topics from above: Suborder, infraorder superfamily, family, subfamily, genus, species, homologous, analogous, last/most recent common ancestor, convergent evolution, derived, ancestral, trait, adaptation, inherited, evolved, lineage, phylogeny, closely-related, distantly-related, natural selection, adaptation, reproductive success, ecological niche, environmental factors, habitat, diet, locomotion.